Línea Directa al Talento
Our Young Talent programme will give you more than just your first work experience. You will be contributing your ideas to strategic projects from day one. Personalised training and mentoring are at the heart of this programme. And joining the company gives you the possibility of having a career plan designed for you. Learn about our internship offers.

The company's success as told by the three CEOs
The company's three CEOs in its first 25 years of activity -Gonzalo de La Hoz, María Dolores Dancausa and Miguel Angel Merino- look at the past, present and future of a project that began as a small start-up and that today has more than 3.3 million customers.

A free car to celebrate the company's 25th birthday
Línea Directa Aseguradora decided to celebrate its 25th birthday by giving away a Nissan Juke 2019 Acenta to one of its 415,000+ social media followers. The car was delivered to the winner with fully-paid taxes and Línea Directa Aseguradora comprehensive insurance with excess free for the first year.
Si estás leyendo esto y estás cansado de que las empresas te dejen en visto, ven a conocernos.
Número de plazas limitadas
We know that good professionals need challenges. You will be contributing to new projects in Línea Directa Aseguradora. We are always developing and growing, so you will be continuously moving, always experiencing new ways of doing things.
We are committed to your development. We want you to keep expanding your skills and use the latest technology. You will grow as a professional, in a flexible environment where moving between areas is possible.

Línea Directa Aseguradora Life
Línea Directa Aseguradora Life is always striving to encourage collaborative work and - why not? - fun. Our people are genuine and enthusiastic. We want you to feel at home so that you can develop your talent and creativity with us.

Road safety, the environment, healthy habits... We want our impact on society to be more than just professional. You can be part of our volunteering group and many other social initiatives.