TCFD Climate Report
TCFD Climate Report
Línea Directa Aseguradora voluntarily publishes its report on risks and opportunities associated with climate change in accordance with the reporting recommendations of the Task Force Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), one of the main international initiatives in environmental information. This document contains the entity's strategy to address climate change and thus contribute to the decarbonization of the economy in 2050.
As part of its commitment to sustainability, transparency and rigor, Línea Directa Aseguradora has been adopting the non-financial reporting standards of different international organizations. In this sense, in 2022 the company assumed the guidelines of the TCFD, a working group created by the G20 Financial Stability Council to promote information to the markets on the management of climate challenges and the progress made in this area.
Línea Directa's climate report describes the governance model, strategy, risk management system and metrics and objectives of the company in the face of the risks and opportunities derived from global warming, as well as the progress made by the entity in this matter.