
Línea Directa Foundation
The Línea Directa Foundation was set up in 2014 with the slogan "For road safety: here and now" to improve road safety in Spain. Its main mission is to reduce the number of casualties on our roads through four areas of action: awareness-raising, research, training and social action.

One of our key activities in this area is our Road Safety Journalism Award, which recognises and encourages the work of journalists who contribute to reducing traffic accidents and promoting safer driving. This is the only action of its type in Spain and has been running for 17 years.

Our objective is to study every aspect of road safety to contribute to prevention and promote awareness and more conscious and safer driving, through media actions.

The Línea Directa Foundation runs the Road Safety Entrepreneurs Award, a unique initiative in Spain that supports start-ups striving to improve road safety, as a way of involving the private sector and stimulating business activity relating to road safety. The Foundation also carries out projects to help disadvantaged groups.

The Línea Directa Foundation is committed to road safety education as a tool for promoting good practices that reduce human errors in driving. The Foundation runs several initiatives whose common theme is to improve awareness of road safety in society.