Management team

The management team of Línea Directa Aseguradora consists of:

Alfonso Botín-Sanz de Sautuola

Chairman (non-executive)

Patricia Ayuela


Diego Ferreiro

Commercial Managing Director

Eva del Mazo

Eva del Mazo

Managing Director of Portfolio

Olga Moreno

Olga Moreno

Managing Director of Quality and Customer Experience

Mar Garre

Managing Director of HR, Communication and Sustainability

Ana Sánchez

Managing Director of IT

Carlos Rodríguez

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Pablo González-Schwitters

General Counsel

Antonio Valor

Managing Director of Marketing

Isabel Guzmán

Isabel Guzmán

Managing Director of Claims

Inmaculada Aldea

Inmaculada Aldea

Managing Director of Risks

Juan José Álvarez

Juan José Álvarez

Managing Director of the Technical Area

José Luis Díaz

Managing Director of Internal Audit