Professional profile

Patricia Ayuela


Patricia Ayuela is the new CEO of Línea Directa Aseguradora since February 17, 2022, thus becoming the fourth CEO in the company's history and one of the few women at the helm of listed companies in Spain. With her appointment, the Board of Directors of Línea Directa now has 57% women.

Patricia Ayuela has developed her professional career in the insurance and financial sector, and has been part of Línea Directa since 2003 and of its Management Team since 2008.

In these 14 years on the Management Team of Línea Directa, she has directed different areas of the company: from 2008 to 2009 she was the Director of Quality, in 2009 she went on to lead the Home business, consolidating and promoting the growth of this branch until the year 2015. Since 2016 she has headed the Motor Branch, the company's core that represents almost 83% of the Group's turnover, and a year later he also assumed the Digital Transformation Department, a strategic project that has led Línea Directa to be at the forefront of digitization in the sector.

During his management at the head of Motor and Digital Transformation, Línea Directa has grown by more than 500,000 clients in this branch, which includes Auto, Business, Motorcycle and International line insurance. It has also been responsible for launching such innovative products on the market as the Respira Policy, the first insurance for electric cars with a flat rate that was launched in 2016, or Llámalo X, the first insurance on the market that includes a car.

As for digitization, under his leadership, it has already achieved that 85% of Línea Directa clients interact with the company through digital channels, that 52% of requests for travel assistance are through the app or that 50% of Motor claims are through digital channels. Currently, almost 650,000 company customers have downloaded the Línea Directa app and are active users.

Previously, Patricia Ayuela directed the Customer Loyalty projects and was in charge of the Corporate Management of Projects and Strategy.

She has been a Non-Executive Director of Bankinter Consumer Finance, Bankinter's company specializing in credit cards and consumer loans, for six years, from 2015 to 2021.

Previously, from 1998 to 2003, he managed some Internet banking projects at Argentaria, BBVA and Santander Central Hispano.

Born in Oviedo, married and with three children, Patricia Ayuela is an industrial engineer from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICAI-ICADE, EMBA from IESE and has also studied at Harvard Business School, the University of Michigan and the Wharton Business School of the University of Pennsylvania. He is bilingual Spanish-English, and speaks German and French.