The milestones and early days of Línea Directa Aseguradora, as told by the CEOS
The company's three CEOs in its first 25 years of activity -Gonzalo de La Hoz, María Dolores Dancausa and Miguel Angel Merino- look at the past, present and future of a project that began as a small start-up and that today has more than 3.4 million customers.
'Línea Directa Aseguradora: 25 Years of Impact' report
The arrival of Línea Directa Aseguradora on the scene back in 1995, with a direct business model, revolutionised the insurance business in Spain. You can read about it in the 'Línea Directa Aseguradora: 25 years of impact' report. Over those 25 years, the company has contributed decisively to modernising and energising the Spanish insurance market and has generated wealth for society as a whole by creating jobs and paying taxes and benefits to customers.

The company's success as told by the three CEOs
The company's three CEOs in its first 25 years of activity -Gonzalo de La Hoz, María Dolores Dancausa and Miguel Angel Merino- look at the past, present and future of a project that began as a small start-up and that today has more than 3.3 million customers.

A free car to celebrate the company's 25th birthday
Línea Directa Aseguradora decided to celebrate its 25th birthday by giving away a Nissan Juke 2019 Acenta to one of its 415,000+ social media followers. The car was delivered to the winner with fully-paid taxes and Línea Directa Aseguradora comprehensive insurance with excess free for the first year.