Línea Directa Aseguradora has joined the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) Digital Pact for the Protection of People
- Línea Directa Aseguradora has joined the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) Digital Pact for the Protection of People, which seeks to spread responsible behaviours in the digital arena by making data protection compatible with innovation, ethics and business competitiveness.
- Through this initiative, which has already been adhered to by several organisations and foundations, the company is taking another step in its commitment to sustainability and ethical management in the digital environment.
- The goals of the pact are to promote transparency and best practices in data processing, raise awareness of the consequences of infringement, promote the protection of the most vulnerable groups, and more.
Madrid, 11 March 2021.- Línea Directa Aseguradora has adhered to the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) Digital Pact for the Protection of People, which aims to create a secure digital environment and spread responsible behaviours in this arena by making them compatible with innovation, ethics and business competitiveness.
Among the principles contained in the initiative, which already has the adherence of several entities, organisations and foundations around the country, the signatories undertake to inform users about the processing of their data, ensure the legality of the same, apply the principles of best practice contained in the GDPR, promote the appointment of a specialist data protection officer at all entities. The company has also taken on a commitment to disseminate among its stakeholders (customers, employees, providers) the existence of a priority communications channel at the Spanish Data Protection Agency for requesting the urgent deletion of sexual and violent content.
Through this pact, Línea Directa Aseguradora is taking another step in its commitment to sustainability and ethical management in the digital arena, and, along with the other signatories to the pact, it will promote and disseminate transparency and best practices in data processing as regards its employees and society at large, also and especially driving the protection of the most vulnerable groups.
According to Mar Garre, Línea Directa Aseguradora's Director of People, Communication and Sustainability, “this digital pact drawn up by the Spanish Data Protection Agency is a wonderful agreement for the digital coexistence of citizens and Línea Directa is assuming this commitment with the decisive aim of raising awareness about the pact among all of our stakeholders. We are also committed to disseminating the AEPD's priority communications channel both internally and externally to raise awareness of it too."
For more information on the pact, click here.