Línea Directa collaborates with the Institut Catala de Salut in the coronavirus crisis
- The insurance company has made its fleet of cars available to the Catalan health service, the Institut Catala de Salut, for use by health workers in the coronavirus crisis.
- In these extraordinary times caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus and the state of emergency decreed by the Government, Línea Directa is stepping forward and offering to help with the management of this unprecedented health crisis in Catalonia, one of the worst affected areas in Spain at present.
- This initiative involves more than 40 vehicles from Línea Directa's fleet of courtesy cars for its policyholders.
- This initiative is one of the measures the company is taking to support customers, employees and institutions at this extraordinary time in the fight against COVID-19.
Madrid, 30 March 2020. The coronavirus crisis has hit Catalonia hard, with more than 1,225 deaths and over 15,000 infections, according to official figures from the Ministry of Health yesterday, Sunday. In the face of this health emergency, Línea Directa Aseguradora has decided to step forward, actively collaborating with the Institut Catala de Salut, part of the regional government of Catalonia, in the coronavirus health crisis.
The insurance company has offered a temporary loan of a fleet of 40 Audi A1 and Mini vehicles (used by the company as courtesy cars for customers while their vehicles are being repaired), to facilitate the mobility needs of health service professionals tackling the coronavirus crisis in Catalonia. These vehicles are being assigned to personnel from the primary care centres of the Institut Català de la Salud throughout Catalonia.
This initiative is in addition to others that Línea Directa has implemented over recent days for its employees, customers and institutions. Some of these include: flexibility in insurance premium payments for the self-employed; remote working for the entire workforce; normal telephone assistance and services for customers; and an institutional campaign broadcast on television to support the public with a positive message to end the coronavirus.
Miguel Angel Merino, CEO of Línea Directa Aseguradora, said: "our intention as a company is to collaborate in every way we can with the health authorities, in this case, the Institut Catala de Salut, part of the regional government of Catalonia, to bring an end to the coronavirus as soon as possible. This is a direct collaboration where we think there is most need at this difficult time, especially for the health services and for the population as a whole."