Job interviews: myths and realities
First challenge overcome: your CV was liked and you've been invited to an interview so they can get to know you in person. Uncertainty and nervousness are normal. You hear a lot of things about selection processes. Here are some tips for how to be at your best in a job interview.
All selection processes are the same
False. Every company has its own style, personality and way of doing selection processes. Before attending the interview, find out about the position, the company, its history and its culture. Take a look at its social networks. This will arm your with valuable information that will help you face your interview successfully.
You need to exaggerate your experience and training
False. In job interviews you have to sell your personal brand and make yourself attractive as a professional. But this doesn't mean lying and pretending to be something you are not. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging that you don't have much experience or that you don't know something. The most important thing is your attitude and showing a desire to learn. Talk naturally about your strengths, but also talk about what you want to improve and how you plan to do this.
What you are wearing is important
True. We give off nonverbal clues when we are communicating who we are. These include our posture when we sit down and the clothes we wear. This doesn't always mean wearing a suit and tie, as what you should wear will depend on factors such as the sector you are applying for and the interview format. But, in general, it is best to choose simple styling that conveys professionalism.
There are no right answers
True. There is no single right answer to the questions you'll be asked in a job interview. What is important is how you express yourself, your arguments and your originality. So try to be yourself in every answer, while always being serious and profession.
You mustn´t ask the interviewer questions.
False. Quite the opposite. At the end of the interview, you should clarify any doubts you have about the position, your responsibilities or the team you would be joining if you were selected. This will help you learn more about the vacancy and show that you are interested in it.